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Daughter of Treason Ch. 05

Post #1

At some point on the way home, Kei had noticed her companion's nakedness. The woman had a lithe, almost athletic build, though the effect was marred by the purple and blue bruises on her otherwise pristine white skin. She was quite tall, perhaps six foot two, and that, combined with her golden hair, made for quite a contrast. Her tall, light and lithe to Kei's short, dark, and curvy.
Feeling suddenly conscious of the sight the stranger would make to an observer, Kei removed her cloak and offered it to the poor woman who, for her part, clutched it as if it were the dearest thing in the world.
The journey home went slowly; she was doubly cautious, fearing pursuit, and her injuries further limited their progress. The whole way, the blonde said nothing, though Kei had, a few times, caught the tall woman eying her rapier nervously. As this went on, Kei began to see why, at times, others found her own stillness unsettling. Regardless, they reached the house without incident. Kei, still unable to use her dominant hand, fussed with the key for a few seconds before, to her surprise, the door swung open, leaving Shino standing there beaming at her. "Kei! Welcome home!" He paused. "You're white."
She blinked. "It's flour. Shouldn't you be resting?"
He gave her a guilty grin. "But I feel fine!"
"You should go back to bed," she said, sliding inside and beckoning the woman to follow.
Shino ignored her advice and instead raised his eyebrows when the blonde, still cloaked, entered. "Brought home a stray?"
"Yes," she said absently, more focused on both Shino's and her own injuries than woman she had rescued from an apparently abusive life. "There were a few. I only could get this one to follow. I would have stayed longer to convince the others, but..." feebly, she gestured to her side which by now had clotted. Shino noticed the stain on the dark fabric for, it seemed, the first time. "Oh! Are you alright?"
"I'll be fine." She assured him. "You're probably still in worse shape than I am. Though," she added as an afterthought, "if that cleric comes by again, I wouldn't object to some healing."
"Yeah, sure. Shouldn't you sit down?" Kei got the distinct impression that he would say that an angel had commanded her to go to bed if it meant she'd actually rest. So adorable. "Do you need a hand?"
Kei laughed and unwrapped her head scarf. "No, I'm fine, but I do have something for you." She unslung the pack and let it hit the floor with a metallic thud. Shino stared at it as if he couldn't believe his ears. "Go on," she prompted with a grin. Slowly, hesitantly, like a child with an unexpected gift, he opened the pack and, as he drew out the first bar, his eyes went wide.
As he poked through the backpack, he said in awe, "There's so much! Kei, I could make a dozen hammers with all this!"
She shifted her weight. Oops. "Uh, perhaps you weren't the first the Rats had stolen from?"
Shino laughed, pulling out another few ingots. "I should think not!" The smile of gratitude he gave took her breath away. So handsome. His eyes were as deep and entrancing as ever, and though his clothes hid it, she remembered his musculature, even more well-defined after his transformation. His bronze skin just seemed exotic, and Kei found that she didn't mind his Efreeti background in the least. Indeed, the only thing she worried about was how other people would react to the horns. Other people...
She turned quickly and, as she feared, found the blonde cowering in muted terror, staring at the elf like he was some kind of monster. Silently, Kei cursed. "Shino, why don't you head upstairs and go to bed. I'll need a bath first, but I'll be along shortly, okay?"
Shino, who had followed her gaze, seemed to understand. "Yeah, sure. Should I help draw the water first?"
"No, I'll get the Stray to help me. Go rest." He looked about to offer some other excuse, so she held his hand tenderly, smiled warmly, and repeated, "Go."
He ambled up the stairs with only a few backwards glances. Once he was out of the room, the woman relaxed only slightly; she still looked at Kei as if she were some great and dangerous beast. Kei sighed. I suppose that's as good as it's going to get. Well, nothing like work to serve as a distraction from fear. "Come," she said, "Let me give you a change of clothes, then you can help me draw some water."
Kei led her to the bathroom and handed over her work clothes. The woman hesitated only a moment before shucking the cloak, donning the canvas garments, and wrapping herself in the black cloak again. Kei didn't mind that she hung on to the outer layer; in truth, Kei's outfit was conspicuously too small in some parts, going down only to mid-shin and so tight around the hips that they were left unbuttoned. As for the shirt, the only place it fit was around the chest; Kei's shirt left enough room for her breasts that, even for the bigger but small-chested woman, there was enough room to breathe. However, Şirinevler travesti her midriff was still exposed, and it barely went past her elbows. To an outside viewer, she would look like a well-dressed beggar or a runaway. Either way, it would draw attention, something which Kei didn't want.
Privately, there was another reason she was glad the blonde kept the cloak on; Kei had only seen a few elven women, and fewer still had ever braved a bath house in the fiercely racist Islandport, but she had a clear memory of seeing one proud elven lady who had strode into the bathhouse like a countess into court. Kei had thought her so elegant, so beautiful; her willowy figure was carried with such confidence that all the things which made her different and loathsome in the eyes of the plebeians- her pointed ears, lean frame, smooth, hairless skin- only made her the exotic paradigm of beauty in Kei's impressionable mind.
Though the elf had gone, the ideal of beauty remained. It wasn't something she had considered in some time, but this blonde, though human, held that ideal, and the contrast between the two women was not felt by Kei to be favorable. It was silly, as she knew that many men found her attractive enough to assail, it was petty, and it was something she would seldom admit to herself, much less speak of. Therefore the feeling of relief she had when the woman kept the cloak was as indistinct as it was profound.
Kei led the other woman out to the well and, as she cranked as quickly as one hand would allow, she noted how the other's eyes stayed downcast, how her posture practically screamed surrender and her muscles were tense, as if expecting attack. All to be expected, reasoned Kei, given the night she's had. The bucket reached the top of the well, and Kei was faced with the difficult proposition of transferring the water to her bucket from the well's with only one hand, and doing so without releasing the crank and letting it plummet back in. "Hey," she asked with a smile, "Give me a hand."
Despite waving her wounded arm for emphasis, the joke fell flat, but the woman did move the water, so at least her physical problem was solved. Now she just had to figure out how to get this poor woman to unwind a bit; she seemed like she had already taken more than she could handle, and if more pressure was applied, there was no telling what would happen.
They hauled the water back inside, and Kei set about heating it, something she could do more easily with a lame arm. "We'll need another dozen bucketfuls. Bring three to me for heating, and put the rest right in the tub. I'll need to clean my wounds," she lied, fully intending to just soak, but the image of the blonde's skin, covered in blue-green splotches, leapt unbidden to her mind. "But you can go first; it looks like you need it."
The look of surprised gratitude the taller woman gave her was unnerving in its intensity. When the woman darted off, Kei wondered if she hadn't scared the blonde away. Of course, the taller woman could hardly be blamed if she had run; her supposed savior had murdered before her eyes, and if the screams and shouts were any indication, had done so several times before, and had a bronze-skinned, horned companion to boot. To most people, such a person would practically be screaming trouble.
And yet, despite this, she came back in, bucket of water in hand, and unloaded it before ducking out. She continued performing her appointed task so quickly that she finished before even half of the water was done heating, whereupon she opted to, at Kei's direction, "take a seat anywhere" she liked. She chose the floor, and sat there silently until the water was warm.
She never said a word.
While the light-haired woman bathed, the dark-haired one took the time to relax and reflect. After strenuous exercise, the human brain releases endorphins which tend to cause a feeling of euphoria, a feeling Kei rode out gladly. She was quite pleased with herself; she had ended several bad men, rescued a woman, made good on the threat she had issued to the rats earlier, and in doing so likely shifted their focus away from Shino and recovered a surplus of valuable adamantium to boot. True, she had been wounded, but it could easily have been worse. Yes, it had been a good day.
And Gerome had referred to Shino as 'your man'.
The sound of the door opening drew her back to the present. The woman had, it seemed, just finished with her bath. Kei rose. "I'm afraid we don't have any towels; I recommend just letting most of the water run off, then putting on your clothes anyway; the heat will dry everything soon enough."
The woman nodded and went back inside. She returned scant minutes later, clothed and soggy. Kei frowned, but said nothing. After all, she could appreciate how uncomfortable it could feel to be naked in a stranger's house; she had felt it herself in her first days changing under Vera's roof. So she merely thanked the Şirinevler travestileri woman for her help, told her to make herself at home, and went into the bathroom herself.
She shucked her clothes quickly, accidentally chafing her side in the process. She lowered herself into the bathwater, hissing as it came into contact first with her side and then wrist. In time, the pain faded into a dull ache, and as she began to wash, that, too, vanished. The warmth seeped into her muscles, releasing the tension and giving her an opportunity to enjoy herself.
Her thoughts wandered, and she reflected on the day. She had ended the lives of eleven presumably evil men, made good on her word pledged in the letter, rescued an unfortunate soul, and even been intimate with Shino. Blood rushed to her cheeks as she remembered it, but as she dwelled on it, she flushed somewhere eels as well.
She cast a cautious eye toward the door. It remained firmly closed, and a smile crept onto her face. She was alone, relaxed, naked, and horny; there was no reason for her to restrain herself.
As she ran her uninjured right hand over her stomach, making a trail up to her breast, she reflected on how nice it was to have her own house. Shipboard, and even back in Islandport, it had been very difficult to find the time and space to pleasure herself, and even less common to have the inclination when she did have the opportunity. But now, if the mood struck her, she had but to draw a bath to have all the privacy she wanted. Or, she realized with a naughty grin, she could forgo the privacy of the bathroom in favor of the bedroom, just to see how Shino would respond.
Her hand reached her breast, and she gave a gasp of pleasure. Yes, that was a pleasant thought. He did, after all, ask to return the favor of her earlier ministrations. She gently massaged her breast, giving a contented sigh. That could be nice. He had not yet touched her more intimately than holding hands, but now it was surely a matter of time. There were many men, she knew, who would take whatever they could steal, and the fact that Shino let her set the pace only endeared him to her more. It was, perhaps, a little frustrating at times, but she had made her intentions clear, and it seemed that he was taking the cue.
Her hand squeezed her breast again before sliding down over her abdomen and between her thighs. She caressed it lightly for a few moments before sliding up to her sex. The rough texture of hair beginning to grow in made her frown, but after deciding that shaving with her less than dexterous right hand was a bad idea, made a mental note and continued.
Her clit, already engorged, could easily be found. She gave a quiet moan as her fingers slid up her slit and over the nubbin. She spread her legs wider to get better access and repeated the motion, relishing the sensation. She switched to her breasts, giving them several squeezes. She thought of the taste of his manhood, the feel of it in her mouth, the delicious noises he made when she tried something new, and her hand found a nipple and pinched. Jolts of sensation shot through her, down to her clit, and she gave another moan.
She closed her eyes and lazily ran her finger over her slit, remembering vividly the look on his face, eyelids hooded with pleasure, mouth slightly agape, the way he-
The bathroom door opened.
Her breath caught in her chest, and a near-instantaneous list of all weapons in arm's reach appeared in her mind, only to be pushed aside by the single, all-encompassing thought, He's here.
For a few moments, that was the only thought in her head. She kept her eyes screwed shut, afraid to meet his gaze or afraid to scare him off, she wasn't sure which. For nearly half a minute, the world seemed to stand still, filled only by the sound of her heartbeat and breath. Finally, wanting something, anything to happen to break the tension, she said, "Well? Are you just going to stand there?"
The footfalls as they approached were quiet, cautious. She smiled, imagining the uncertain look on his face as he approached, eager in spirit but afraid of doing something wrong. The footsteps stopped at the edge of the tub, and there was a rustle of clothing. She tensed, expecting delicious contact, but none came. He's watching me? A sly smile crept over her face. Very well. Let's test that reserve of his.
Arching her back, she slid her hand languidly up across her stomach, side to her hip, and up along her side. She repeated the motion twice more before finally grabbing a breast and squeezing it gently, rubbing her fingers briefly over the hard nipple. She switched breasts, giving some attention to the other before sliding her hand back downwards.
She smiled, anticipating the reaction he would give when she reached her destination, and as she spread her legs, she was not disappointed. The sharp intake of breath widened her grin, and she arrived at her sex, hot and ready.
As Travesti şirinevler she rubbed it up and down, she heard another rustle of clothing, and imagined that it was Shino disrobing. A shiver of pleasure ran through her as she visualized him, slowly and methodically from the sound of it, pulling off his tunic, exposing his well-defined arms, shoulders, and chest. She paused for a moment, brushing her clit while she savored the image. She imagined him slowly, almost teasingly, taking off his pants and underthings in one tantalizingly slow motion, exposing his elven-bare pubis, exaggerating the bulge below it until his manhood popped out, tall and proud.
She kept her eyes closed for two reasons. The first was that she still didn't want to risk scaring off Shino. The second was that her imagination was doing a good enough job getting her hot, and if it 'aint broke, don't fix it. This second reason was particularly applicable when she felt two gentle hands on her breasts, kneading the flesh firmly.
Moaning, she redoubled her efforts on her clit, pinching it briefly before dipping her finger into her sex. The hands on her breasts gently pinched her nipples, and Kei reflexively grabbed one with hers, making it squeeze harder. It was then that she noticed that these hands were different, longer and more lithe, than the hand she remembered holding. She opened her eyes.
Behind her was the blonde, naked once more and with both her hands firmly planted on Kei's breasts.
Kei jerked away, eyes wide, and pressed herself against the far edge of the tub, drawing her knees up to her chest defensively. The woman, for her part, scrambled away and shrunk into a corner, eyes wide with unspoken fear.
They sat that way for several minutes, the woman not speaking out of anxiety and Kei too off-balance to care. Several questions, reprimands, and even a physical assault or two ran through the shorter woman's mind. What the hell was she doing? And why? That was one of the more articulate thoughts which Kei managed, and she decided to try to verbalize it.
"What the hell?" Okay, maybe it didn't come out the same way it sounded in her mind, but it'd do.
The blonde was silent for just a moment, looking confused. "I was trying to pleasure you, m-"
"Yes, I got that," she snapped, "But why? You don't even know me. Voice of the Tyrant, I don't even know your name!"
Another confused pause. "I am called Miranda, Mistress."
Kei blinked. "What did you call me?"
"I called you my Mistress-"
"Yes, I got that, thank you very much!" Kei's voice came out more high-pitched than she intended. "Why?" Miranda seemed about to answer but Kei cut her off. "No, scratch that. Why the fuck were you touching me!?"
Kei was practically hyperventilating by now, too many old memories dragged up by this- woman was a much more tame word than the one she used in her head- woman, sneaking in and molesting her. Her voice had become a screech and had apparently attracted more attention that just Miranda's.
"Kei? Kei? Is everything alright in there?" Shino sounded very concerned, his worry palpable even through the thick- and unlocked! She thought wildly- bathroom door.
She didn't know why she said that. Things were not all right; she had thought that Shino was finally making his move, but instead it was the stray, running her hands all over-
She let that train of thought drop. The last thing she needed was Shino in here muddying the waters further. He, however, had other plans. "I'm coming in."
"No! I'm fine!" The panic in her voice contradicted her words. The door opened, Shino leaned in, glanced around, noted the closed posture of both people in the room, both staring at Shino with wide eyes, and asked, "What happened?"
He addressed the question to neither one in particular, and so neither one felt compelled to answer. To his credit, despite the presence of two naked and beautiful females in the room, he kept his gaze at eye level. After a few moments of not breathing, Kei felt an overwhelming urge to escape the situation. "I- I have to go."
She stood and, heedless of the water falling off her body, fled to the bedroom. She heard Shino pause only to tell Miranda, "Um, miss? Would you mind waiting downstairs? And, um, getting dressed?" That last part may have been for his own benefit, but it was a relief to Kei as well. Following that, he wasted no time in following her into the bedroom, closing the door, and facing the corner where she had slumped down, knees to her chest once more.
He reached out to put a hand on her shoulder, but she flinched away. "Don't touch me!"
She winced even as the words left her mouth; how to tell him that his touch wasn't necessarily unwelcome, that she just needed a minute? But his expression, rather than merely hurt, also held understanding. "Okay," he said pulling back. "Okay." He nodded, his voice like silk, gentle and patient.
She expected him to beat a hasty retreat, but instead he sat on the bed, hands in his lap, and waited. Over the course of a few minutes, her breathing rate came back to normal as her thoughts settled into a more rational pattern. Noting the slight relief of tension in her body, he asked, "Can you tell me what happened?"
08-13-2024, at 03:40 PM

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